Chat Room Instructions

Logging In: 

Anonymity: Do not use your full name for your chat nickname. In online Al-Anon meetings it is suggested that you use a pseudonym (or first name only) for chatting.

Computer/Laptop Users: First, enter a chat nickname into the text box. Then choose your method of viewing the chat room by selecting the radio button of your desired platform (Java is recommended). You may choose between "Java" and "Flash."

(Firefox Users: If you receive an Error Message concerning Java, make sure Firefox has not disabled your Java by going to "Tools," then "Add Ons" in your Firefox browser. Find your Java console in the list of Add Ons and select "Enable." Or you can use the Flash version.)

Mobile Users: First select "View web version." Then select "Mobile" and enter a chat nickname into the text box. Once you've entered your chat nickname and have selected "Mobile," click "Connect."

Java (Computer) Chat Screen Navigation:

Flash (Computer) Chat Screen Navigation:

Sharing at Meetings: To share, raise your hand by typing an exclamation point (!). When the Chairperson calls on you, type your share in short lines (pressing the “Enter” key often); when you’ve finished your share, please type the word “DONE” so that the Chairperson will know to call on the next member to share.

Private Messages: It is possible to send a private message to another chatter during a meeting or during fellowship. Private messages allow you to speak with another member during a meeting without disrupting the meeting in progress.

Java Users: To start a private chat with another member, double-click the chatter’s name in the member list on the right of the main chat window. A new window will pop up over the main chat screen, providing a private room for the two of you. 

Flash Users: To start a private chat with another member, use the Private Chat function button at the bottom of the screen (just above the text box). The main room window will be replaced with the Private Chat window. To end the Private Chat and return to the main meeting window, click the Return to Room function button at the bottom of the screen (just above the text box):

Nicknames: Chat nicknames/pseudonyms are not permanently assigned to any specific chat member. It is possible that someone else could, unknowingly, sign into the room under a name that you have used before. Therefore, we suggest that you choose a unique chat name that is unlikely to be used by anyone else. However, misunderstandings may happen eventually. If there is no ill intent on the part of the two parties wishing to use the same nickname, we ask that you try to work out a solution amicably between yourselves. In the case of someone maliciously "mimicking" (impersonating) another established chatter, please contact a Moderator or the Site Administrator immediately. Maliciously impersonating another chatter with the intent of defaming that member will result in the banning of the offender.

Quitting: You can exit the chat room simply by closing your browser window.

Chairperson: Each meeting is hosted by a Chairperson. The Chairperson copies and pastes the WSO Approved Opening and Closing, decides the topic, and calls on members to share during a meeting. When Chairing, please paste the provided meeting service text files one paragraph at a time, slowly, so that all members have a chance to read at a reasonable pace.

Moderators: Moderators are volunteers who will be present during meeting times. Moderators names appear in green in the members list on the right. Moderators are available for answering questions, greeting newcomers, and upholding chat meeting etiquette. Vulgar language, sexual harassment, threats, bullying, malicious impersonation of another member, etc., will not be tolerated. Those found in violation may be temporarily kicked from the room as a warning, or permanently banned from using the chat room. Moderators cannot see private messages between chatters, so if someone contacts you via private message inappropriately, or posts inappropriate material publicly in the absence of a Moderator, please save a copy of the message/post and contact a Moderator or the Website Administrator. 

Fellowship: The main purpose of this chat room is hosting Al-Anon meetings. There is time for fellowship before and after meetings are held. While the chat room is technically available 24/7, we cannot guarantee that Moderators will be available during any times other than meetings. Please treat your fellow chatters with respect and tolerance in the spirit of recovery in the Al-Anon program. 

Seventh Tradition: There are no dues for membership. Al‑Anon is self-supporting through its own voluntary contributions. If you would like to make a contribution to the Al-Anon Family Groups, please contact the World Service Office (WSO) at: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, World Service Office, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617, (757) 563-1600. 

Website Administrator: The Living Al-Anon Family Group Meetings website administrator can be contacted via email at: