Our Loved Ones
The online Al-Anon community has, over time, created it's own type of shorthand. In online settings, shortcuts are often used to refer to our loved ones who are afflicted with the disease of alcoholism or addiction. To save keystrokes, we commonly refer to these individuals as "our A" or "our Qualifier." For example, "AH" means "Alcoholic Husband."
To indicate that our Qualifier is in recovery (no longer active in their addiction), we use an "R" in front of the relationship abbreviation. For example: "RAH" means "Recovering Alcoholic Husband."
The most common relationship abbreviations are: H (husband), W (wife), S (son), D (daughter), F (father), M (mother), BF (boyfriend), GF (girlfriend), FIL (father-in-law), MIL (mother-in-law), SIL (son-in-law), DIL (daughter-in-law), and SO (significant other).
Labels, however, are unimportant. Whether we consider someone in our lives an alcoholic or not is not of importance. If someone else's behavior (whether addict/alcoholic or not) affects us, we are qualified for membership in Al-Anon. In instances where "labels" are inappropriate or feel uncomfortable, the term "Qualifier" may be used. It is a universal term and applies to anyone in our lives, no matter their relationship to us, whose behavior affects us negatively.
Program Abbreviations
ESH - Experience, Strength and Hope: In Al-Anon, we do not offer each other advice, but rather our own experiences. Therefore, we share our own experiences, strength and hope with each other in a way that allows the reader to "take what they like and leave the rest."
CAL - Conference Approved Literature: There are countless books, pamphlets, movies, and self-help programs available. However, in Al-Anon, we refer to only those resources that have been approved by the World Service Conference in order to keep the Al-Anon message undiluted and pure in principle and tradition.
WSO - World Service Office: As the principal service center of the fellowship, the WSO acts in
conformity with the wishes of the Conference. It publishes all Conference Approved Literature (CAL). Many functions and activities of the fellowship circulate through this office. It is the center, not the head; it serves but does not control or direct. The relationship of the WSO to the groups is fully explained in “Al‑Anon’s Twelve Concepts of Service.”
conformity with the wishes of the Conference. It publishes all Conference Approved Literature (CAL). Many functions and activities of the fellowship circulate through this office. It is the center, not the head; it serves but does not control or direct. The relationship of the WSO to the groups is fully explained in “Al‑Anon’s Twelve Concepts of Service.”
WSC - World Service Conference: The WSC is an annual meeting of the elected Delegates from each of the Areas of the World Service Conference structure, the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, and World Service Office Conference staff. Through the discussions and deliberations at the WSC, the active voice and effective group conscience of Al‑Anon is heard on world service matters. (Because internet meetings are open to Al-Anon members world-wide, they do not belong to any District or Area, and as such, do not elect Group Representatives. Online groups report directly to the WSO.)
General Chat Meeting Shorthand
F2F - Face to Face (usually refers to in-person meetings)
KCB - Keep Coming Back
KCB - Keep Coming Back
TYFS - Thank You For Sharing
Slogan Acronyms
Al-Anon also has many slogans that are in the form of acronyms. Some of the more common acronyms are:
ACTION - Any Change To Improve Our Nature
ANGER - A Negative Grudge Endangers Recovery
EGO - Edging God Out
FAITH - Finding Answers In The Heart
FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real
GIFTS - Getting It From The Steps
GUIDANCE - God U & I Dance
HALT - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Ti red
JADE - (I don't have to) Justify, Argue, Defend, or Explain (to anyone)
MMOB - Mind My Own Business
NUTS - Not Understanding the Steps
NUTS - Not Understanding the Steps
ODAT - Opportunity, Desire, Ability, Time / One Day at a Time
PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens
QTIP - Quit Taking It Personally
SLIP - Serenity Loses It's Priority
TEAM - Together Empowering Al-Anon Members
TEAM - Together Empowering Al-Anon Members
THINK - Thoughtful, Honest, Intelligent, Necessary, Kind
TRUST - Try Relying Upon Step Three
TRUST - Try Relying Upon Step Three
WAIT - Why Am I Talking
YANA - You Are Not Alone
There are countless acronyms in the Al-Anon Program. If you know of an Al-Anon acronym that is not listed above, please contact the Site Administrator - we'd love to hear from you!